Bringing a glow to your smile

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There are a few forms of dental bleaching you may request for to whiten your smile. Bleaching is the most conservative means to whiten one's teeth, however, with severe staining or striated or uneven stains, bleaching may not give a very satisfactory result, for which your dentist may reccommend veneers on top of bleaching.

Chairside/In-Office whitening in Ko Djeng is done within a single visit after which, you leave with a beaming, bright smile. An alternative to this would be to fabricate a custom moulded bleaching tray for home use with any of a variety of dental bleaching gels. This would require some diligence on your part, and may require up to 2 weeks to get the desired white shade, but the results are just as startling as the chairside, light-activated bleaching systems.